So here's our background: we typically all smoke between 1 to 1 1/2 packs a day. My roommate smokes ultralight menthols, and I smoke regular flavor ultralights. Our brand typically runs just under $5/pack. My husband smokes little cigars, mostly because they are less than $2 for a pack of 20. Nobody knows about these cigars - we have to give the store clerks his current pack to take with them to the locked up case so they can find them. Also, not many places carry them. I tried to switch to them, but after only about 5 or 6 of them throughout the course of a day, my throat was burning. Not for the faint of heart. My husband inhales them like cigarettes, not like a cigar, and I have no idea how he manages it.
Our vaping experience is only a few days away. After a ridiculous amount of online research, I found us a starter set of a Joye 510s for just under $40. It comes with 2 batteries, 2 atomizers, 5 unfilled cartridges and a 10ml bottle of juice. Your standard starter kit. And I threw on an extra 5 cartridges. I've already ordered some sample bottles of juice, and already have them. I know, cart before horse. I had put in an order for a different kit for under $30, but there was a problem with the order, and it turned into a blessing. Researching, I found some great pics of how to spot fake Joye 510s. And those were likely not the real deal. So now I have the confirmation email for my e-cigs, and my days of smelling like an ashtray are numbered. (notice I didn't say how HIGH they were numbered...)